These Are The Last Countries That Still Ban Americans Without A Vaccine

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Now that the world’s top tourist hotspots have reopened their borders for travel and axed their vaccination requirements, it is easy to forget the same does not necessarily apply to the entire globe. Indeed, the vast majority of countries still have restrictions in place, with four of the major ones going as far as banning Americans without a vaccine.

Traditional Dutch Houses Reflected On The Water, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

While it’s true Covid no longer poses the same threat it did two years ago, prior to the development of vaccines and the roll-out of new treatments, the health scare has prompted some national governments to keep stricter rules in place for longer – or, in some cases, continue banning all forms of tourism.

In this article, you will find out which destinations continue to refuse entry to unvaccinated Americans, regardless of testing, and whether some accept recovery certificates instead:

The 17 Destinations Still Banning The Unvaxxed

The Hague, The Netherlands, Northwestern Europe

According to both Sherpa’s Travel Requirements Map and IATA’s Travel Regulations, there are at least 16 international destinations barring Americans who opted for no immunization. There are others applying a blanket travel ban to all foreigners, irrespective of vaccination status, such as China, and thus they are not included on the list.

These 16, however, have either substantially eased or removed travel rules for vaccinated visitors, such as abolishing pre-departure tests, quarantine, and post-arrival testing for the group, while shutting their doors completely to the non-immunized. Other examples where the group is allowed to enter presenting tests are also excluded.

Young Woman Wearing A Face Mask As She Holds Up An American U.S. Passport getting ready to travel

These include countries like Spain and most of South America, with the exception of Argentina, which are open to the unvaccinated with varying degrees of restriction, ranging from mandatory PCR tests in the hours leading up to their departure, random Covid tests when landing, or observation of a quarantine period.

Below, you will find a list of countries who have imposed an outright ban on unvaccinated travel:

  1. Azerbaijan*
  2. Brazil
  3. Canada
  4. Equatorial Guinea
  5. Fiji**
  6. Ghana
  7. Iraq***
  8. Liberia****
  9. Luxembourg*****
  10. Netherlands******
  11. Papua New Guinea
  12. Philippines
  13. Tonga
  14. Samoa
  15. Solomon Islands

*Azerbaijan – Alternatively, the unvaccinated can present proof of immunity. Those who have not been infected recently, and who do not have a vaccination certificate, cannot enter.

**Fiji – Recovery certificates issued by a ‘credible institution’ are taken into consideration for entry purposes.

***Iraq – Vaccine exemption letters issued by a relevant health entity are in theory accepted. Those who can have a medical condition where a vaccine is contraindicated must still present a negative PCR test result issued within 72 hours

**** Liberia – If they are allowed to board their flights or other public transport heading to Liberia, unvaccinated passengers are returned to their point of embarkation

*****Luxembourg – Recovery certificates issued in the year preceding travel are accepted

******Netherlands – A minimum of three doses of an approved vaccine are required

Young Male Traveler Wearing A Face Mask As He Gets His Covid Certificate Scanned At The Airport before travel

We said 16 countries, and you might be wondering why the seventeenth entry has not been mentioned yet.

Allow us to explain further:

The 16th Country Is…

This may not concern Americans directly, but the U.S. does not accept unvaccinated non-Americans or residents regardless of recovery status or negative tests. Of course, Americans can still travel into and out of the States as they wish, but the same does not apply to foreigners, who must present vaccination proof.

In total, there are 17 off-limit places for unvaccinated tourists globally, and 16 for unvaccinated U.S. passport holders.

Statue Of Liberty Shown With The New York Cityscape In The Background, United States

The Four Main Countries Barring Entry Of Unvaccinated Americans

  • Canada
  • Brazil
  • Netherlands
  • Philippines

As can be seen above, four major destinations issued travel bans for unvaccinated Americans, most notably Canada. For months now, the country’s tourism sector has been suffering heavy losses and struggling to recover as a result of Ottawa’s strict border policies. To put it bluntly, Americans are avoiding Canada like the plague, even if they’re immunized.

Young Male Traveler Arriving To Toronto Pearson International Airport With An Air Canda Sign Blurred In The Background, Toronto, Canada, about to travel

Vital rail links between the U.S. and Canada may have been reinstated, but demand has reached a historical low. The main reason? Besides the unvaccinated ban, Canada has a random testing policy in place, which can see a few unlucky travelers from the U.S. issued a 10-day quarantine order when they test positive, or even a ‘false’ positive when landing in Canada.

In South America, Brazil does not routinely test incoming travelers, but it is yet to lift border curbs which have kept the unvaccinated from visiting. Interestingly, Brazil had been open for the better half of the pandemic, despite requiring tests at one point. As soon as vaccines became widely available, this lax attitude changed.

Aerial View Of Christ The Redeemer Statue In Rio De Janeiro, Brazil

Since then, only fully immunized U.S. citizens can visit, and while they face no other restrictions, their fellow Americans who decided not to get the shot are forbidden from setting foot in the country. Across the pond, both the Netherlands and Luxembourg have adopted a similar approach, and are currently the strictest European countries for Covid travel rules.

Unvaxxed U.S. tourists are not in the Benelux duo’ good graces, as they are the two last destinations in the Old World that remain off-limits to them, unless when coming directly from fellow Schengen Area member states. In fact, nearly all of Europe* has dropped entry requirements, welcoming visitors under normal pre-pandemic guidelines.

Picturesque View Of The Gronn District And The Alzette River In Luxembourg, Central Europe

*Besides The Netherlands and Luxembourg, Spain still requires testing of unvaccinated Americans. While they remain at war, Ukraine and Russia have also not completely eased their travel rules, with the former officially requiring either a negative test of vaccination certificate as proof of entry.

Lastly, the Philippines has given no indication as to when it will allow for normal travel to resume. However, at a time when most of Asia is moving progressively towards a wider reopening, with several nonstop flights from the U.S. being announced, we expect the paradise archipelago to align with its closest neighbors soon.

Palawan Island, Philippines, Southeast Asia

For all the latest news on countries reopening and travel regulations, click here.

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Disclaimer: Current travel rules and restrictions can change without notice. The decision to travel is ultimately your responsibility. Contact your consulate and/or local authorities to confirm your nationality’s entry and/or any changes to travel requirements before traveling.  Travel Off Path does not endorse traveling against government advisories

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