Travel The World With Free Room And Board For Those Willing To Give Their Time

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Have you ever wished you could travel the world and experience new things without spending a fortune doing it? It’s a common dream among travel lovers, and it can be a reality if you are willing to give some of your time. Using the app or website, Worldpackers, travelers are able to find experiences all over the world that allow them to volunteer some of their time in exchange for food and accommodation. Typical experiences call for about 25 hours a week of volunteer time and offer one to three meals a day, plus a place to stay.

People Cleaning up bottles on beach

What Kind Of Experiences Are There?

Many hosts on Worldpackers offer more than just room and board; some of the work you can sign up for is an experience in and of itself! For instance, some of the opportunities available include:

  • Gardening
  • Party promoting
  • Animal care
  • Bartending
  • Photography
  • Painting
  • Handyman work
  • Many, many more
Faro Portugal City Center Mansion

How does 25 hours a week of drawing and painting on the walls of a social hostel in Portugal sound? Perks include three meals a day, a free place to stay, free parties to attend, discounts on drinks and tours, free laundry, and three days off a week to explore.

Or how about helping out with content creation for a summer camp in Spain for 25 hours a week with most afternoons free, two days off a week, three meals a day, and a free place to stay?

These are just two of the many experiences available in over 140 countries.

Person Ziplining at Sunset over a body of water in spain
Image Courtesy Of: Worldpackers

How Does It Work?

When looking for a place to volunteer, it’s good to make a favorites list so that you have some options to choose from. Once you’ve narrowed it down, you’ll be able to apply to the volunteer slot and reach out to the host. All you need to do is tell them which dates you would like to begin and end your trip. Many of the more popular experiences tend to fill up, so it is good to try to stand out when you reach out and have a well-thought-out profile on Worldpackers. Once you are accepted, your host will send a confirmation. All there is left to do now is meet at the agreed-upon location and date!

Man showing children pictures in guatamala

How Free is Free?

While Worldpackers is an excellent way to travel the world on a budget, the service does charge an annual membership fee. It isn’t exorbitant and is currently $49.00 per year for a solo traveler and $59.00 per year for couples or a pair of friends. Worldpackers charges this fee in order to support their service, verify hosts and volunteers, and offer an included insurance in case of any mix-ups along the way.

WorldPackers Screenshot Of Solo Traveler Membership Costs

Other costs to look out for when using the service are experiences that don’t include all meals. While not a dealbreaker, food costs can certainly add up while traveling if you aren’t careful. If choosing an opportunity that only provides breakfast, for instance, expenses can eat into the savings offered by using Worldpackers. Some experiences also charge an additional fee when staying, though it is usually only 5 to 15 dollars a day, depending on the experience.


Is It Worth It?

Monetarily, Worldpackers is an excellent way to cut down on costs while traveling all over the world. However, not all costs are financial. Exchanging your time, skills, and energy for food and accommodation may not be worth it for those looking to go on a relaxing luxury vacation.

Female Travelers in Hostel

For those looking for interesting life experiences who don’t mind putting some work in while they travel, Worldpackers may be an excellent way to see more of the world. Hosts welcome volunteers all the time and make an effort to make the experience one that you won’t forget, and the other like-minded volunteers you meet along the way may turn into lifelong friends.

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