U.S. State Department Updates Travel Advisories For 10 Countries

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The United States’ Department of State has just updated the travel advisory pages for 10 countries around the world. Whilst international travel may have moved closer towards normality over the past few months, it still isn’t completely without risks and challenges – as these updates show – and travel advisories still play a key role in keeping travelers in the loop before they take their trips.

From common, everyday issues such as crime and health concerns, to more serious problems such as terrorism, war and kidnapping to name but a few, travel advisories are routinely updated by the State Department to contain up to date information about the risks associated with different destinations. Here’s a look at which ten countries were included in yesterday’s travel advisory updates, plus a recap of what travel advisories are and how they help travelers.

What Are Travel Advisories? Information For Travelers

Curated and updated by the State Department as often as is required, travel advisories provide simple, clear information about the risks travelers may face when traveling abroad. Travel advisories are color coded and sorted into four different levels – with Level 1 being the least severe and Level 4 being the most severe – to make it quick and easy for travelers to see the risks associated with visiting a specific destination. 

In addition to updates from the State Department, each travel advisory contains information from the CDC about whether there is a low, moderate or high level of Covid-19 in the destination. Whilst they do not legally prevent a traveler from visiting a country, they can help a traveler to make an informed decision about whether or not it is a good idea to visit, playing an important role in the pre-travel process.

New Travel Advisory Updates – What Travelers Should Know

The ten new travel advisory updates posted on the State Department’s website yesterday feature all four of the system’s levels. Two countries were handed Level 4 updates – their details are as follows:

  • Libya – do not travel to Libya due to crime, terrorism, civil unrest, kidnapping, and armed conflict. The CDC states it has an unknown level of Covid-19
  • Iran – do not travel to Iran due to the risk of kidnapping and the arbitrary arrest and detention of U.S. citizens. The CDC has determined that Iran has a low level of Covid-19

Three countries were handed Level 3 warnings, which tell travelers to reconsider travel to such destinations. 

  • Lebanon – reconsider travel to Lebanon due to crime, terrorism, armed conflict, civil unrest, kidnapping and Embassy Beirut’s limited capacity to provide support to U.S. citizens. The CDC states it has a low level of Covid-19
  • Guyana – travelers should reconsider their trips to Guyana due to crime. The CDC has also stated that the country has a high level of Covid-19
  • Guatemala – travelers should reconsider their trips to Guatemala due to crime, with some parts of the country designated as no-go areas. The CDC states it has a moderate level of Covid-19
lebanon is open for tourism

Only one country received a Level 2 travel advisory – Zimbabwe – due to crime, with the CDC adding it has a low level of Covid-19. Four countries received Level 1 travel advisories; these are as follows:

  • Saint Kitts and Nevis – CDC indicates a high level of Covid-19
  • Poland – CDC indicates a moderate level of Covid-19
  • Namibia – CDC indicates a high level of Covid-19
  • Mongolia – CDC indicates a high level of Covid-19

Whilst they do provide important information that travelers should be aware of, travelers are free to do their own research and decide whether or not to follow through with their travel plans. Regardless of a country’s travel advisory level, travelers should always make sure they have a good travel insurance policy to keep them safe and protected whatever happens on their vacation.

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Disclaimer: Current travel rules and restrictions can change without notice. The decision to travel is ultimately your responsibility. Contact your consulate and/or local authorities to confirm your nationality’s entry and/or any changes to travel requirements before traveling.  Travel Off Path does not endorse traveling against government advisories

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